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Let’s demystify some of the popular excuses to not do a boudoir shoot:

I need to lose weight first.”

  • No you don’t need to lose weight first. A boudoir shoot is so much more than size of your body. It’s about capturing your natural beauty, your personality, your favorite features about yourself, or anything that makes you feel like you! Plus, let’s be honest, a professional photographer knows how to position your body in the most flattering angles, AND let’s remember you’re not doing a Hustler shoot – we aren’t going spread eagle here ladies. In my opinion, the photos that are sensual and sexually suggestive with beautiful clothing are the most flattering. Example; braless & cozy off the shoulder sweater portrait, or a long sheer robe full body photo

“I’m not sexy.”

  • Stop. Yes you are. If you don’t think you are sexy, then just trust me, and book a boudoir shoot. Women are naturally sexy. You don’t need to know how to pose or be a fashion model to be and appear sexy. Again, a professional photographer knows how to coach you into feeling comfortable and into nice poses. Take this moment to step into your femininity! (Off the record, a shot of  vodka helps… Not that I did that or anything).

“I don’t have any lingerie.”

  • No lingerie, no problem! Boudoir shoots are enhanced by the accents and accessories. YOU are the main attraction. If lingerie isn’t your style, then wear what is your style… Perhaps a sexy black dress. Or like I mentioned earlier, cozy sweaters that #freethenipple + lace shorts are stunning for boudoir. A pretty bra + earrings + good hair make for a perfect shot.

“I’m not young enough to do that.

  • Celebrate your years, and celebrate your womanhood. That’s what a boudoir shoot is all about! Believe me, when you’re 100 years old, you are going to look back on these boudoir photos taken when you were 50 and realize wha at a sexy look you had! It’s all relative, ladies. I truly think there’s a special confidence and sexiness about a woman who is older. It’s an energy and beauty that you can't teach or replicate. Start celebrating yourself!

“I’m not _____ enough.”

  • Whatever your insecurity is, don’t let it stop you from shining. The truth is that every single person in the world has insecurities, and even the people you think are so perfect and don’t have them, definitely do! Stop labeling how you’re created as imperfect.

Promise yourself, that you’ll use beautiful and positive words to describe yourself from this moment on. Turn your negative words into positive ones.

I promise that you’ll be happier, more confident, and more beautiful

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